
The unpaved road management system is a suite of application programs for analyzing and modeling the condition of unsurfaced road.


• Web based spatially-enabled management system

• Monitor unpaved road networks

• Analyse & model the condition of road segments

• Communicate regraveling & maintenance needs

• Address Absent & Insufficient Drainage

• Link Money Values to provide Optimised Budgets

• Identify suitable roads for upgrade to paved roads

The Management Systems provide condition information as well as routine maintenance priorities. Road segments requiring maintenances are highlighted whilst identifying appropriate maintenance measures, reporting on the condition of gravel pavements and presenting the results in a variety of formats and combinations for different levels of management.

The Unpaved Road Management System identifies, quantifies and prioritizes maintenance requirements for the short and long term.

The Detailed Condition Description report gives detailed inventory information as well as condition descriptions and maintenance requirements for each gravel road segment in the road network.

The Maintenance Summary report shows a summary of all appropriate maintenance measures for the total road network. Summaries for re-gravel, gravel, drainage and paving are given.

The Maintenance & Upgrading Priority report lists, in order of priority, all the recommended maintenance and upgrading projects.

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